Popcorn is a reliable Design and Manufacturing Partner for the Museum Store Marketplace. Popcorn is driven by a small team of Craftsmen and Skilled Designers who specialize in Product Development and Turn-Key Museum Programs. Popcorn is skilled in the Vanishing Art of Manufacturing—our Premium Products are all
Made in America.
We Specialize in 5 Core Products
Magnets & Buttons / Prints / Stationery / Totes / Mugs & Glassware
Program Basics
Minimums: Most products are 24 piece minimum
Discounts*: 10% off 144 piece orders 15% off 288 piece orders
*some products have different discounts
Lead Time: New Projects generally ship within 3 weeks.
Reorders generally ship within 3 days!
Mission Specific Merchandise / Award Winning Design
Popcorn fulfills your museum store mission by developing products that provide your visitors a range of customized, educational merchandise. Our team of graphic designers and writers bring your museum’s story to life. When choosing Popcorn, count on creativity and quality for every project. We look forward to helping in any way we can.